Are you ready for actual results?
Renowned for making complex concepts simple and actionable, Jackey will guide you to break free and live a truly happy and fulfilling life. For the long run.
She teaches you how to harness your hidden potential through the mastery of universal laws, and learn to leverage Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence.
As an acclaimed International Speaker, Advisor, Mentor, and Author with a 30 year successful track record.
Exceed your own expectations.

Here’s some fun facts about Jackey: Leo, Dragon, and Projector (ifykyk). Favourite drink is a Negroni or a glass of Scilian wine. Loves her flip flops and collects Fluevogs (just google it)

Join over 30,000 people who have been empowered to take massive action through Jackey’s work.
Discover how her down to earth, no nonsense step by step approach can help you to break free and embrace a fulfilling, happy life. Discover why people keep coming back for more.
Jackey has coached, mentored and taught all types of people to overcome personal and professional challenges and achieve breakthrough results in their lives.
With a Master’s Degree in Metaphysical Sciences and certifications in Emotional Intelligence, and is a certified Licences Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, she simplifies the journey to personal growth and happiness.
Jackey has coached, mentored, taught and guided people from all walks of life, to overcome obstacles and achieve lasting transformation.
MSC Metaphysics
Licensed Trainer OF
Neurologist Programming
Master Practitioner OF
Neurologist Programming
Certified in Emotional
Certified Detecting
Truth & Credibility
Change Personal
History NLP Certified
Certified Trainer
in Adult Learning